Sunday 12 July 2015

OceanSea Seafood Sticks

65p for 10:
"Individually wrapped crab flavour surimi fish protein sticks with water and starch"

Produced in Lithuania.

Contains 35% surimi.
Surimi originated in Japan and translates as "ground meat".  It is minced up fish that is then washed to get rid of any undesirable odours.  It is then beaten and pulverised to form a gelatinous paste.  Then it is mixed with flavourings and additives and formed into shapes.
It was made to use up lesser fish to mimic higher end fish like crabs and lobsters.

Now that we got the lesson out of the way.  How does it taste?

These sticks have a texture I would not associate with anything seafood.  They have a nice flavour.
If you can get over the fact you're eating a highly processed food, they aren't so bad.  I don't eat these very often (I think these are the first ones I've eaten this year!)
You can snack on them as they are (remove plastic first!), chop them up into cubes or treat them like "cheese strings" and peel them.

I like to peel them into strings, mix with either salad cream or mayonnaise (if mayo, add some lemon).
Serve with crusty bread and something green.

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