Wednesday 14 May 2014

Mister Choc Big Hit Milk Chocolate Peanuts

99p for 250g bag.

The colours don't look appealing and they come in quite a variety of lumpy sizes.  Fair enough, aesthetics aren't everything.
Sadly, they don't taste good and have a strange aftertaste.  M&M's are so superior that I will happily forego the saving than buy these Mister Choc versions not matter how cheap they become.  I think part of M&M's secret is that they put the whole peanut in.  You mostly get half a peanut with Mister Choc.

Big Hit?  More like Big Flop.

Note to self: Don't EVER buy these again!


  1. We all have to live together, so we might as well live together happily. See the link below for more info.


  2. Mentira muy grande : es muy superior a M&Ms. Estoy intentando buscareste producto como loco, porque tiene un sabor a chocolate muy rico y los cacahuetes no son como Kit dice. Es un producto de gran calidad, y es una pena que solo este de promoción. Llegué aquí porque justamente lo estoy buscando!

    Hay que probarlo para saber de lo que hablo: soy un adicto al chocolate, soy francés y sé lo que quiere decir calidad.

  3. Have been buying m&ms for years and they are of course excellent. Big hit by mr choco i tried recently. An excellent product also.

  4. Have been buying m&ms for years and they are of course excellent. Big hit by mr choco i tried recently. An excellent product also.

  5. These little guys are so yummy, can't put them down.

  6. Big hit are fantastic taste they don't have as much cinnamon as M and Ms
